When an Marriage is Dead and beyond the point of Reconciliation, there needs to be a way to end it. Ending a dead or unhealthy marriage provides a way for all involved to move forward with their lives.
Divorce is the proceeding that ends a marriage and all legal relationships between those who are married. utcourts.gov provides a “Roadmap for Divorce Cases” (also shown here).
There are many issues to consider when navigating this “Roadmap”
RoadMap for Divorce Cases from UTcourts.gov
(Click image to enlarge)
If you weren’t planning on Divorce, you probably aren’t familiar with the many ways this “Roadmap” can be followed. Our Court-Approved Mediators not only help divorcing couples avoid the many pitfalls and detours that may arise, but ultimately streamline the entire Divorce Process from beginning to end.
Through our Unique Process you will be Informed to make Empowered Decisions at an Affordable Price!